Luke Dowding, CEO, reports on his time at ILGA in November.
“A person is a person through other persons… we need other human beings in order to be human.”
These words from Archbishop Desmond Tutu were repeated on different occasions throughout the ILGA World Conference in Cape Town, just two weeks. I was able to attend ILGA both as a representative of OneBodyOneFaith and as a Board member of the European Forum of LGBTI+ Christian Groups. It also enabled to host our innovative leadership symposium and wellbeing retreat the following week with leaders and activists from across Africa… but more on that to come!
The words above from Archbishop Tutu served as a powerful reminder to 1450 delegates from over 100 countries that we need one another, now more than ever. Approximately 40% of the participants were from African nations – a bold number given the state of LGBT+ rights and freedoms across the continent.
The conference was hosted in South Africa 25 years ago, and whilst much progress has been made in our movement since then, still much needs to be done. The theme: “Kwa Umoja We Rise”, references a phrase in Swahili that celebrates unity and collective progress. However, LGBT+ people from around the world continue to experience great challenges and adversity.
It was a dynamic schedule, with 64 sessions and 20 pre-conferences! Topics ranged from engaging with global structures such as the United Nations, exploring the connection between climate change and marginalisation, and hearing from those who have championed inclusive legislation in their own countries. There were also opportunities for mindfulness, self-care, networking, and social events such as visiting the Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art, the first international Pride Awards, and a gala dinner at the end of the week.
The time to deliberate matters of governance was also scheduled, something we share as a fellow membership-based organisation. There were changes to the constitution, elections, and finance all present on the agenda. You can find out more about who was successfully nominated to committees and the election of the two new Co-Secretaries General, as well as the next host city here:
To close, I’ll reflect on one of the standout addresses of the conference, delivered by Revd Mpho Tutu van Furth, a friend of OneBodyOneFaith – although this was the first time that I was able to meet Mpho in person! In her address, not only did she challenge the ideologies of those she classifies as “preservative” not “conservative”, but also that we as LGBT+ people of faith have ceded spiritual territory to them AND that we must reclaim that space. Mpho spoke boldly against the “…pinched joylessness of preservative religion” and encouraged us to “keep finding ways to feed your soul so you’re strong enough to face the struggle”. These calls to action resonate with our desire to be an organisation that nurtures and creates space for LGBT+ people to experience joy in their faith – to thrive, not only survive.
May we be a joyful people, delighting in God, one another, and our own selves, and may we use that joy to fuel a future of hope and liberation for all LGBT+ people around the world.